Friday, November 16, 2007


Am I the only one who seems to think that movies are tending to all look and feel alike? There are infinite minds that can compose a film from beginning to end, or utilize old tales and make them new and improved for a screen audience, yet society seems to fail with that. What's with all the fuckin' remakes? There are, of course, a few hits that come out that shake the nation a little bit. Blood Diamond and The Departed are examples of films that have showed the American public something a little different than what they're used to. Even the newest blockbuster, American Gangster, does not deliver the masses anything other than stuff we have already seen. Drug dealer lives it up, gives us a bit of sympathy because of his family life, and gets fucked in the end. Even the way the scene plays out where Frank Lucas is about to get arrested is more than reminiscient of The Godfather. It's like a complete rip-off. Other movies have this rip-off effect as well, and some more than others. Beowulf anyone? This story had the potential to be a kickass movie with plenty of violence and storyline to entertain anyone. Unfortunately they have made it in nothing but computer, which makes little sense to me considering Angelina Jolie's character looks like Angelina Jolie, as well as all the other characters matching corresponding actors. "I, am, Beowulf!" sounds a little familiar right? Maybe because it was first said like this, "This, is, Sparta!" These movies do nothing but rip off of one another and it just seems like movie-goers are not getting as great and full of an experience as ten or fifteen years ago. Previews for new movies coming out leave practically none I would want to see, including the Tim Burton movie with Johnny Depp coming out about Sweeney Todd. I absolutely love both Burton and Depp, but how many fuckin' movies can these two collaborate on? With Burton's dark scenery and landscapes combined with Depp's notoriously estranged way of acting, have these two men not figured out that maybe every movie is going to be similar? Same time period as Sleepy Hollow, same actress as The Chocolate Factory, same emotions as Edward Scissorhands, and same actor and director in all three. Come on people we need new ideas. Tantalize your brains and experience something new. That's the only way that the mind actually learns and develops more from shit like this. If we're watching the same shit over and over, we'll continue to be stuck in the mode we're in now. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to be sitting here in 6 years seeing a trailer for Spiderman's remake. After all, less than ten years passed between the end of one Batman movie series and the beginning of the Christian Bale version.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ya dude, Tim Burton is married to that wierd lady actress from those movies.